Pay your zakat al maal

Ramadan 2024 – Your Zakat Al Maal for Palestine


Zakat al Maal in solidarity with Palestinian children

As you know, the humanitarian situation in Gaza has reached a critical level, with more than 32,161 Palestinians killed and 2 million displaced people living in extremely precarious conditions, deprived of access to basic needs such as food, drinking water and basic medical care.

HumanSmile brings aid to the Palestinian people. Entrust us with your Zakat al Maal, it will go directly to our aid projects in Gaza.

What is Zakat al Maal?

Zakat al Maal is the third pillar of Islam. This is a compulsory alms to be paid by all adult Muslims whose savings exceed the Nissab (the minimum threshold of wealth, indexed to the price of gold or silver).
Every year, all Muslims whose wealth is equal to or greater than the Nissab must pay 2.5% of their total assets (or 2.579% based on the solar year) to the vulnerable.
Zakat al Maal is used to redistribute wealth for the benefit of people in need, and also to purify your possessions.

This year, HumanSmile will distribute your Zakat directly in Palestine.
Pay your Zakat and help Palestinian children and families.

Allah to tell us:

“Alms are intended for the poor, the needy, those responsible for collecting these gifts and distributing them, those whose hearts are to be won, the redemption of captives, the insolvent in debt, those dedicated to the Cause of God and destitute travelers. This is a decree of God, and God is Omniscient and Wise.” (S.9 V.60)

Entrust your Zakat al Maal to HUMANSMILE

All HUMANSMILE projects work with vulnerable populations around the world. They are therefore all intended for people who can legitimately benefit from Zakat al Maal.

This year, we’ve decided to help Palestinian children and families with your Zakat.

By entrusting us with your Zakat al Maal, you provide them with food aid, access to drinking water, a tent, ambulances and first-aid kits, and much more… Your Zakat can also be used to sponsor an orphan to cover his/her needs throughout the year.

Help us put a smile back on the faces of the Palestinian people.

Your questions about Zakat al Maal

What is NISSAB?

The Nissab is the minimum threshold of wealth above which Zakât Al Maal is compulsory. The Nissab varies every year, as it is based on the price of gold or silver. It corresponds to the equivalent of 85 grams of gold or 595 grams of silver. Any wealth you possess in excess of this amount is subject to Zakat.

Can I choose the project for which I give my Zakat?

Yes, you can specify the country or project you wish to donate to when you make your Zakat payment. Please note that Zakat al Maal received in 2024 will automatically be used for our aid projects in Gaza.

When should Zakat al Maal be paid?

When your wealth exceeds the Nissab, you must make the first payment of your Zakat. You can choose a payment date for your Zakat al Maal that will be the same every year. Some people choose the beginning of the lunar year, others the end of Ramadan or Eid al Adha. It doesn’t matter when, just that Zakat is paid on a fixed, annual basis.

Who receives Zakat al Maal?

“Alms are intended for the poor, the needy, those responsible for collecting these gifts and distributing them, those whose hearts are to be won, the redemption of captives, the insolvent in debt, those dedicated to the Cause of God and destitute travelers. This is a decree of God, and God is Omniscient and Wise.” (S.9 V.60).
All HUMANSMILE projects work with vulnerable populations around the world. They are therefore all intended for people who can legitimately benefit from Zakat al Maal. Zakat al Maal received in 2024 will automatically be used for our aid projects in Gaza.